Monday, January 24, 2011


Clothes. They mean a lot to some people, very little to others, and the world to yet others. To some people, clothes are like breathing. Necessary, taken for granted, and rarely thought about.  To other people, clothes are like food. Thought about a lot, needed, wanted, and in an excessive supply. Shopping is the favorite passion for most teenagers, but I wonder if all of them actually like clothes that much, or are just shopping because that seems to be what everyone else likes to do.

I for one like clothes, but until recently have thought very little about how I look in them.  Now however, I'm becoming increasingly aware of how I look to everyone else, and I've changed my dressing habits because of that. I'll never be as crazy about clothes as my older sister though. Jaime adores clothes, especially clothes that show off large parts of her body, and her closet and room is positively stuffed with them. My little sister Aeron is a completely different kettle of fish. Aeron picks a favorite outfit monthly and wears it EVERY.SINGLE .DAY. By the end of the month the poor clothes are in tatters, and she has to pick a new outfit.

My parents are the type of people who clothes are like breathing. At home, they wear basically what amounts to do day pajamas:  scruffy, comfortable, and boring. My Dad does have to wear nice clothes to work every day, but even then I don't think he ever thinks about what he's wearing. Still, on the rare occasion my parents do dress up nice to go out, they look great. Hunh. 

           There are a few people that I believe go completely overboard with clothes. I have a friend,( whose name I won't mention for her privacy), that to this day I believe has never thrown away a single article of clothing. Not one. Sure, she might have given away one or two, but I don't believe she's even gotten rid of her baby clothes! She has a whole wardrobe of clothes she never even looks at for petes sake. She is about my age, and still has a lifetime ahead of her to hord clothes packrat like till she has a whole department stores worth.


Monday, January 10, 2011


This is my first blog for 2011! (No, really, I'm excited)

During the past I haven't been very faithful and regular with my blog. I couldn't be bothered to go on the computer, I wanted to read, I'd already wrote everything in my diary, I couldn't think of what to type, so on, so on. For one reason or another, I never really liked or wanted to write in my blog. Last year, I did only one blog for the entire year! Kind of embarrassing really. However, this year, I have no choice as Mom is VERY serious about making it a weekly school check. So you will probably be hearing from me every week.

This weeks topic is about junk. Literally. I have managed to pick up an astounding amount of useless crap magpie-like throughout the year. Stuff I kept because I thought I would use it sometime or later. Stuff I did use and kept because it had minute sentimental value. Stuff like that. I have already thrown away what seems like a whole garbage cans worth of plastic things, paper, and other assorted garbage, and I haven't yet seen the size of my suitcase. Yikes!

A few things I have had particular trouble with throwing away are my school things. All those notebooks and folders and spare bits of paper represent a years worth of work. Not exactly a hard years worth of work but still. I was very nearly ready to keep it and throw away a few of my clothes so it would fit when common sense rudely intruded. When I looked at them again, I knew that if I stored them or even kept them with me, I would never really look at them again. Neither would anyone else. (sigh) So I kept a few things that were really important to me and handed the rest off to Mom to see if she needed or wanted anything. As of yet, she hasn't even glanced at it. ;)

My clothes I haven't even had the nerve to look through for fear of finding something in them. A rat perhaps. A spider den. Or perhaps an ant nest. Who knows. I have used my clothes very little this past year. I have practically lived in pajamas and my school uniform. That is another problem I have to deal with. My school uniform. What the heck am I going to do with it? Obviously I am going to keep that fabulous polar fleece. Mom suggests I sell my uniform on trade me, or perhaps sell it back to the school. Mmmm. I like the sound of getting money for my uniform. Ha!

Altogether however, throwing away my stuff myself is a lot better than having it stolen, which is what happened in the beginning of the year. Lookout room, I'm doing a major spring cleaning!