Friday, March 4, 2011

Big Changes

I have a huge amount of variety in my life, overall. Since I turned 10, I have never been in the same country for more than a year, at most a year and a half. My sisters and parents are ALL polar opposites to each other, and I have changed schooling methods 3 times. I have very little contact with my blood family aside from my grandparents, but I have countless "adopted" family members. I have eaten food from at least 4 different countries without a bad reaction, and we have changed cars 3 times in the last 4 years. For about 3 of those years we didn't HAVE a car. Last year, most of everything my family owned was stolen, and when the thieves were caught, about half of it was recovered. So we bought half of the general things we had over again. The ONLY things that have remained constant and the same throughout the years are my blanket and Sparkalena, my stuffed animal friend. And through it all, I have NEVER felt like my world was changing too fast, or that I was being uprooted too many times.

What this says about me I don't know. However, I have decided that my flexibility in changing  is a good thing, certainly because of the life my family leads, and the life I plan on leading. I plan on backpacking all over New Zealand and North and South America. I want to travel the world, as much as I can before parts of the world are destroyed by us humans or Gaia. Gaia is the ancient Greek name for earth. According to the myth she came from chaos at the beginning of creation and as the mother of all gods she became the allegory for giving birth, receiving and taking. 

The reason I started talking about this is that another big change is about to happen. Very soon, my family and I will be leaving La Paz for the South Pacific, and on to New Zealand. We'll be going through French Polynesia, Fiji, and Tonga. Aeron is learning French right now, I am learning Spanish. Something funny Mom said the other day. "If on any random beach in Mexico, there is a cactus, a rock, and a taco stand, on any random beach in French Polynesia, there is a palm tree, a rock, and a baguetteria." I hope that's true, cause I really like baguettes.

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